Sunday, March 25, 2007

Social Capital Exercise

Lawrence Lee
Mr. Lee has been in the printing business for the last 20+ years. I am a friend of his son Andrew through church, but my contact with Mr. Lee has been limited. Since we would be a customer of his business, I am optimistic that he would be able to provide a cost breakdown of printing on t-shirts in various configurations (e.g., one color on color, two colors on white). Additionally, I believe if we became his customer, he would be able to provide the best pricing for any screenprinting jobs.

The strategy for establishing contact will be straightforward. I will ask my friend Andrew to provide his father’s business telephone number in Los Angeles. Next, I will inform Mr. Lee that I am in the process of starting a t-shirt business and would like his opinion and expertise on the matter.

Since I am seriously pursuing the venture, I will defer directly contacting Mr. Lee until after graduation. I will wait until I am in Los Angeles after graduation to discuss in person at his business location. However, I was able to contact Andrew via email to retrieve Mr. Lee's business telephone number.

Frank Giambattista (American Apparel)
American Apparel is made in the U.S., free of sweatshop labor. Additionally, they have an exhaustive line of blank apparel with endless color swatches and all of their product lines are fitted so that you are not swimming in your clothes. I specifically wanted to contact American Apparel because of these two criteria. I own many of their products and they provide a superior fit versus any other brand I have purchased. The fabric's texture also is of higher quality versus other brands and there is minimal shrinkage during washing and drying.

The strategy for establishing contact will be through email. I will inquire within their wholesale department to find out what types of bulk discounts are available, if any. I will also gather information on which product lines are best for screenprinting and ink transfers.

I have applied for a wholesale account through their website. I have not received a confirmation, but am optimistic about getting my account approved. By having an approved wholesale account, I will have full access to view bulk discount amounts and also directly place an order through their website.

Urban Outfitters
Urban Outfitters is a leader in “funky” fashion. By having Urban Outfitters carry our product line, we will be able to gain national and international exposure for our products. This will directly increase sales as well as amassing a loyal fanbase.

The strategy for establishing contact will be through the Internet. The purpose of establishing contact will be to learn the formal channel for placing products in the Urban Outfitters retail stores. I imagine the process akin to sending a photo or prototype to their corporate buyers to have them review, assessing quantity and pricing the products.

Since I currently do not have a prototype or a business established, I will defer contacting Urban Outfitters until prototypes have been created for showcasing.

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