Monday, March 26, 2007

Social Capital Exercise II

Uzoma Ajeroh
Uzzy is a friend of my who is deeply into fashion. He once made a trip to New York and scoured SOHO for t-shirts he liked. Uzzy would be a source of knowledge that I can tap into in regard to the current trend and what are the do's and don'ts of vintage t-shirts. Uzzy can also provide me with a list of his friends who may also be into vintage T-shirts. Since he is very connected with other college students, Uzzy may be able to shed some lights on how other college students get their t-shirts and whether they are satisfy with the available options and processes.

T-Line Printing
T-Line Printing is one of several online printing companies that offer T-shirt printouts. The online site offers volume discounts it's located in Chestertown, MD. Since the company is in the Maryland area, we would be able to visit the company and talk to the people there in person. If this is a good source for T-shirt printing, we could just scan and email our design files in photoshop formats and have them print for us. Of course, we can also do some comparative shopping and use this company as a benchmark to measure other suppliers of T-shirt printouts. Although I do not personally know anybody from the company, I should be able to find someone to talk to through emails or phones.

Asher Eptein
Asher is the managing director for entrepreneurship at the Dingman Center. We had the opportunity to hear what he had to say about the Entrepreneurship program at the University of Maryland and feel that he is a source of knowledge and connections. We should take the opportunity to go up to the Dingman Center and ask for his feedback on the business concept. Asher may also provide us with ideas on who we should talk to if any. Most importantly, Asher may be able to provide us with objective view of the concept. We may be able to find Asher by simply going up to the Dingman Center.

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